Gift of Hope Gala 22 (2024)
SAP-VN’s 22nd annual Gift of Hope fundraising gala is coming up on Sunday, October 20, 2024! Gift of Hope is SAP-VN’s annual fundraising gala to benefit disadvantaged Vietnamese children and support other SAP-VN charitable activities.
Please join us for a festive evening at 4:30 PM on Sunday, October 20, 2024at Mon Amour Banquet (3150 W. Lincoln Anaheim CA) for SAP-VN’s annual fundraising gala Gift of Hope 22.
Tickets are now available at $75 for Regular and $120 for VIP. Please reserve your tickets now before they are SOLD OUT. Please email sapvntix@gmail.com or call (714) 901-1997 to reserve your tickets. Seating will be assigned according to availability at the time of purchase.
Sponsorship opportunities are available starting from $750. Please click on this GoH 22 sponsorship_package link (coming soon) for more information.
Purchase your tickets or become a sponsor to support this wonderful cause, and please distribute this email far and wide among family and friends.
You can purchase your ticket online by filling out this Order Form or by scanning the QR code in the flyer below.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the gala!
Thank you,
SAP-VN Fundraising Committee
Date + Time:
Sunday October 20, 2024
4:30PM – 10:00PM
Mon Amour Banquet
3150 W. Lincoln Ave. Suite #134
Anaheim, CA 92801
$75 Regular / $120 VIP
(seating is first purchased, first placed)
Contact for Tickets: