Thank you volunteers, donors, and Chapman School of Pharmacy VAPSA!!!
With your generous support and helping hands, we were able to provide 50 back-to-school gift packages to Miracles for Kids.
Miracles for Kids is a non-profit organization helping families with critically-ill children by providing food, clothing, shelter so families can focus on caring for their child’s needs.
SAP-VN is proud to collaborate with Miracles for Kids to help children in our community prepare for the upcoming school year by providing them the tools needed to encourage learning and creativity.
Together, we can make a difference.
SAP-VN plans to put together at least 50 back-to-school kits t
Please let me (Phanlinh93@gmail.com) or Kaitlyn know if you can help with the donation or kit assembly. Kaitlyn Dang’s email: (kaitlyntrangdang@gmail.com).