10 '20
Love it 315

As the colder winter months are fast approaching, SAP-VN is asking for contributions of gently used blankets and/or sleeping bags to donate to the homeless. If you are able to…
10 '20
Love it 315

Saturday, November 7th, 9:30AM – 1:ooPM Location: 12881 Knott St., Suite 116, Garden Grove, CA 92841 Tasks: Making Hygiene Kits and 30 to-go sack lunches for 2 Homeless Shelters Info/Sign-Up: 11/7/20…
10 '20
Love it 315

Saturday, October 24th, 9:00AM – 1:00PM Location: Mary’s Kitchen (517 W. Struck Ave., Orange, CA 92867) Tasks: Help prepare to-go hot & sack lunches for the homeless Info/Sign-Up: 10/24/20 SAP-VN’s Project…