We had a huge turnout of SAP-VN Volunteers and were able to make over 60 sandwiches, with rice crispy snacks, waters, and more. These items were packed and given out to people in downtown San Diego suffering from homelessness and socioeconomic inequality. All of the sandwich making and packaging was done outdoors by volunteers with face masks. We were also able to distribute the COVID-19 brochures given to us from the Elks Foundation.

The link for San Diego SAP-VN volunteers to sign up for future outreaches is down below. Please feel free to promote the google form, so volunteers can sign up and participate. Attached below are pictures of this March outreach. Looking forward to continuing this project for SAP-VN. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much.

Thank You,

Brian Do

Volunteer Sign Up: https://forms.gle/3cU9PqVmFWPLD9R77

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