Heart Surgery Program

The congenital heart defect surgery project was initiated due to a request for help from An Giang Children’s Fund in 2012. SAP-VN expanded the program to Quảng Nam in 2019, and Saigon in 2022. The program sponsors surgeries for children with congenital heart diseases aging from 4 months to 16 years old. The average cost per case is $3000.

Chương trình giài phẫu tim bẩm sinh khởi đầu từ năm 1992 theo lời yêu cầu của Quỷ Bảo vệ Trẻ em tỉnh An Giang. Năm 2019 , chương trình được mở rộng đến tỉnh Quảng Nam với sự hợp tác của Hội Bảo vệ bệnh nhân nghèo tỉnh Quàng Nam. Bắt đầu từ năm 2022, SAP-VN cộng tác với Chi Hôi Y Bác Sĩ Thiện Đức đề bảo trợ phẫu thuật tim cho các bệnh nhân nghèo vùng Saìgòn và các tỉnh lân cận. Chương trình bảo trợ phẫu thuật tim cho các em từ 4 thàng đến 16 tuổi. Chi phí trung bình cho mỗi cuộc giải phẫu khoảng $3000.

Yearly Summary

YearLocalNumber of Cases
2012An Giang5
2013An Giang5
2014An Giang5
2015An Giang5
2016An Giang5
2017An Giang5
2018An Giang5
2019An Giang, Quang Nam15
2020Quang Nam7
2021Quang Nam2
2022Quang Nam, Saigon22
2024Quảng Nam, Sài Gòn, Cần Thơ, An Giang, Bạc Liêu17

Phan Trần Ý An Story

Phan Trần Ý An is a 5 y/o baby girl from Quang Nam with congenital pulmonary stenosis. which causes her to be short of breath even on limited activities. Her parents are farm workers and her mother has to quit job to stay home taking care of her. Without surgery, she probably won’t live past 5 year.

Thanks to your generous donation, she had a successful operation to correct her heart defect. This is Ý An smiling after her surgery.

Lê Thị Quỳnh Như Story

Lê Thị Quỳnh Như is a 6 year old girl from Quang Nam with atrial septal defect. Both of her parents died shortly after she was born and she and her 3 siblings were raised by her grandparents, who still have to do labor works in their old age to survive.

This is Quỳnh Như after the surgery, thanks to your generous donation

Lê Thị Quỳnh Giao Story

Lê Thị Quỳnh Giao is a 2 y/o baby girl in An Giang with congenital heart disease which rendered her inability to thrive. Weighting only 10 kg, she has to be carried around by her mother. Her parents are nomads, living on a run down dinghy, docking at wherever they can find temporary work

Thanks to the generous donation from SAP VN benefactors, she got the surgery which brought her a new life. The picture below is Quynh Giao after her sucesssful operation. Unfortunately, the family took off after she was discharged and we have not been able to contact them to see how she’s doing

Ngô Gia Huy Story

Ngô Gia Huy: The Covid pandemic has caused many difficulties to our program. Villages were quarantined; roads were blocked; surgeries were canceled … Despite these challenges, we were able to help 2 children in Quang Nam to get the life-saving surgery that they need, one of whom is the youngest heart patient that SAP VN ever sponsored at that time: a 6 month-old infant named Ngô Gia Huy with aortic valve stenosis. Without surgey, he probably won’t live long. There were many complications but in the end, he had a sucessful recovery and went home happily with his parents.